At Riverbank Primary School we use a variety of ways to keep in touch.
Open Door Policy – the senior leadership team are available for all parents and carers at any time providing they are not teaching or in another meeting. Please either pop in to the school office or phone for an appointment.
ParentPay - The majority of our communication will be via emails using ParentPay. Our office staff will be able to help yoou set this up.
Newsletters – will be sent out on a monthly basis to keep parents informed about the work of the school.
Letters – further information which requires a response may be sent out in letter form.
Twitter – will contain a great deal of information about the school. It is a good idea to check this regularly.
Text messaging – You may also receive text reminders about events/school closures etc.
Meetings - Parents and carers are welcome in the school to discuss any aspect of their child’s development and progress. To avoid disappointment, it is advisable to make an appointment. There are various opportunities throughout the year when parents can discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher and view the child’s work.
Class Assemblies – each class will hold a display of learning assembly for their parents and carers. You will be informed of these dates closer to the time.
Parents and carers are welcome at other events throughout the school year e.g. workshops, information evenings, class performances, religious and other assemblies. The school newsletter and Twitter page will keep you informed.