w/beg 12th August
Inset Day 1
Inset Day 2
Pupils Return
w/beg 19thAugust
w/beg 26th August
w/beg 2nd September
9am Parent coffee catch up
Stay and Play session for P1-P3 families @ 3pm
9:15am Play Along Maths for P1 families
Forward Plans QA
w/beg 9th September
9am Parent coffee catch up
Fairtrade Fortnight – P5s organising
Homework begins
Stay and Play session for P1-P3 families @ 3pm
Open Afternoon for P5-P7
9:15am Play Along Maths for P1 families
Open afternoon for P2-P4
Over and Above Club
w/beg 16th September
9am Parent coffee catch up
Stay and Play session for P1-P3 families @ 3pm
9:15am Play Along Maths for P1 families
w/beg 23rd September
9am Parent coffee catch up
Maths Week Scotland
Stay and Play session for P1-P3 families @ 3pm
9:15am Play Along Maths for P1 families
September Weekend
w/beg 30th September
September Weekend
9:15am Play Along Maths for P1 families
P5s Class Assembly @ 2:15pm
w/beg 7th October
Black History Month
9am Parent coffee catch up
9:15am Play Along Maths for P1 families
Open afternoon for P1s
Dyslexia Awareness Day
w/beg 14th October
October Week
October Week
October Week
October Week
October Week
w/beg 21st October
World Food Day 16th Oct – P6s celebrating
9am Parent coffee catch up
w/beg 28th October
9am Parent coffee catch up
Over and Above Club
w/beg 4th November
9am Parent coffee catch up
Outdoor Classroom Day
P3s Class Assembly @ 2:15pm
w/beg 11th November
Anti-Bullying Week – P3s organising
9am Parent coffee catch up
Parents Evening
Children In Need - P7s organising
w/beg 18th November
Road Safety Week – P2s and JRSOs organising
9am Parent coffee catch up
P2s Class Assembly @ 2:15pm
w/beg 25th November
Christmas Card competition
Christmas Doors
9am Parent coffee catch up
Over and Above Club
w/beg 2nd December
9am Parent coffee catch up
w/beg 9th December
9am Parent coffee catch up
Christmas Jumper Day
w/beg 16th December
9am Parent coffee catch up
P1-3 Christmas Show (TBC)
P1-3 Christmas Show (TBC)
Over and Above Club
School closes at 2:30pm for Christmas Holidays
w/beg 23rd December
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
w/beg 30th December
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holidays
Christmas Holiday
w/beg 6th January
All P5s visiting Science Centre
w/beg 13th January
Learning Conversations (in class)
w/beg 20th January
P6a and P7 beginning storyline project in class
3-4:30 Stay and Play for P1-3 families
Some P6s to Pinkston Basin
International Day of Education – P4s to celebrate
w/beg 27th January
Holocaust Memorial Day – P7s remembering
Tam O'Shanter performance for whole school
3-4:30 Stay and Play for P1-3 families
P7's final swimming session
6:30 Parent Council Meeting
Over and Above Club
w/beg 3rd February
Children’s Mental Health Week – P4s organising
Theatre In Schools performances for P1, P2 and P3
3-4:30 Stay and Play for P1-3 families
Parent ASN Workshop – sensory needs (for all parents)
P4's Class Assembly @ 2:15pm
w/beg 10th February
3-4:30 Stay and Play for P1-3 families
Open Afternoon for P1-3
Family Ceilidh 3:15-4:15
Diversity Wins workshop for P7 all day
Open Afternoon for P4-7
w/beg 17th February
Inset Day 4
w/beg 24th February
Photographer in all day for school photos
Over and Above Club
w/beg 3rdMarch
World Wildlife Day – P1s and P1/2 celebrating
Eggs arriving for P2s
World Book Day
International Women’s Day tomorrow – P3s to organise tea for Mums and Grans
w/beg 10th March
British Science Week – P6s organising
Learning Community STEM event – 1 x P1, P4 and P7 pupil attending
6:30 Parent Council Meeting
P6s Class Assembly @ 2:15pm
Assessment Team visiting for our Rights Respecting Schools accreditation
w/beg 17th March
Parent’s Evening
World Water Day tomorrow – P2s celebrating
Some P6s to Pinkston Basin
w/beg 24thMarch
P1s Class Assembly @ 2:15pm
Over and Above Club
Earth Hour tomorrow – P6s celebrating
Some P6s to Pinkston Basin
w/beg 31st March
Performance of Clunk the Musical for P5 classes
Easter Bonnet Parade (P1-3) – parents invited
Spring Discos
P1-3 6-6:50
P4-7 7-8
Some P6s to Pinkston Basin
School closes at 2:30pm
w/beg 7th April
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
w/beg 14th April
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
Spring Holidays
w/beg 21st April
Spring Holidays
w/beg 28th April
Learning Conversations (in class)
w/beg 5th May
May Holiday
w/beg 12th May
Open Afternoon for
Open Afternoon for
Over and Above Club
w/beg 19th May
Careers Week
Inset Day 5
May Bank Holiday
w/beg 26th May
May Bank Holiday
Health Week
Sports Day
w/beg 2nd June
World Oceans Day on Sunday – P5s celebrating (link with Clyde in Classroom)
w/beg 9th June
P4-7 School Show (TBC)
P4-7 School Show (TBC)
w/beg 16th June
P7 Leavers' Assembly
Over and Above Club
w/beg 23rd June
P7 Leavers' Treat
Reports to families
School closes at 1pm for Summer Holiday